March 2021 

LBPS Parent Council are looking for parents to support the committee. Over the last year we've lost a few parents as their children have / are moving on to the Academy. We're currently looking for committee members and a new Chairperson after the summer holidays. Would you be able to support?

The committee support the school in its work with pupils and represent the views of parents / carers along with fundraising activities.

We meet 4 times a year and alternate between a Tuesday and Thursday evening at 7pm. Normally we meet in the school but could also arrange meetings through Zoom if this could help with childcare issues.

Ideally we would like to have at least one member for each year group.

Below is a pdf which gives you more insight in to what the committee do.

Meeting Minutes 

Parent Council Meeting Minutes - February 2024 (Word doc) [433KB] (opens new window)

Linlithgow Bridge Primary School Parent Council meeting minutes Nov-23 (Word doc) [336KB] (opens new window)

Parent Council Meeting Minutes 21.02.23 (Word doc) [19KB] (opens new window)